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RVC Signal 10 - 227 W. Seaman Ave 4/21/2022

In the early morning hours of Thursday, April 21st, 2022, the Rockville Centre Fire Department operated on the scene of a signal ten [working fire] on Seaman Avenue off Meadow Lane. Lynbrook was designated the FAST and upon arrival was utilized as a working truck – Oceanside then became the new FAST. Lakeview was also among the departments called for mutual aid and was on scene with an engine. Firefighters put two hand lines into operation for a fire that appeared to have begun in the oil burner room of a one-story private dwelling before extending upwards. All occupants made it out of the residence safely and one cat was rescued during the incident. The cause of the fire is under investigation and the scene was placed under control within fifty minutes. 445 responded to the scene with Captain Mark Bedson, 1Lt. Andrew Krahm, Chief Chauffeur Tom Nofi, Ex-Captain Charlie Krahm, Firefighter Matt Villalon, Probational Firefighter Paul Mata, and Captain Kyle Avondat from Woodlands Engine Co. 4.

(More photos to come)

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